
Showing posts from December, 2020

Updated Agency Info

 Hello friends - it's been a hot minute.  I hope that everyone is doing well during this ongoing pandemic.  I wanted to update information about agencies.  This pops up every once in a while where people will ask for specific recruiter information.  I always try to pre-screen candidates just to get to know their background a little better.  I'm not going to send someone to my prized recruiters if their backgrounds/jobs don't match each other.  It's a waste of everyone's time.   There are also a lot more agencies on the market right now who are staffing for social workers.  The ones newer to the game may not be able to provide the same level of advocacy or benefits, so buyer be ware! But here's what I've got right now: If you have behavioral health outpatient or inpatient experience, I'd look at the  AMN companies , which include MedTravelers and Club Staffing.  If you want someone specific, send me a message in the comments....