How Do Taxes Work as a Travel Social Worker?
Friends, we're right smack-dab in the middle of tax season... in fact, with less than a month left, I thought I'd answer a couple really basic tax questions (please bear in mind, I am not a tax expert and this is not legal advice). We'll start with pay (people are attracted to the pay)... But the reason behind the pay or that non-taxed housing stipend you're getting is because you're duplicating expenses. The IRS expects that you're actually duplicating expenses (maintaining a home base) and this is why you get a subsidy. Please be mindful that you are actually duplicating expenses and have a home tax base and evidence (have I said "duplicating expenses" enough!?). Next, you've signed a contract for somewhere not your home base. First, congrats! Now starts paperwork, including (if you're new to a company) an I-9, which is the legal verification of your work status in this country. Then you get to fill out a W-4. You will fill this f...