
Showing posts from January, 2019

Slow Seasons

After a prolonged break from blogging (my apologies), I realized it's time to jump back in.  I've been getting a lot of questions on FB Messenger lately about why people might be having a hard time finding work this time of year.  It's tough, especially because when you have found something you want to jump in to (travel social work) maybe you apply, but haven't heard anything back.  Why is that? In the years that I've been traveling, I've noticed that there are a couple distinct slow periods in the year for opportunities:  end of summer, and winter holiday time. At the end of summer, people are trying to get their vacations in before kids have to go back to school.  This means decision makers are either not around, or they're just trying to fill in temporary gaps in staffing with their PRN employees to cover a few extra shifts.  You might be able to find local contract work during this time through an agency like Maxim or Social Work PRN.  ...