
Showing posts from April, 2019

Housing Resources

I'm not the biggest fan of finding my own housing while on contract, but sometimes, it's inevitable.  I have this weird thing that the less untaxable cash that flows through my hands the less liability I have with the IRS.  However, lately, even companies that almost exclusively put you up in hotels are now in the business of negotiating "all-inclusive" contracts with hospitals because it's less expensive for the hospital and it makes the agency more competitive in the staffing market. Here are the resources I've used or friends have used for housing while on contract. FurnishedFinder :   What I like about this site:  It's geared specifically towards travel nursing; the listings will tell you how close the nearest hospitals are and how walkable the locations are.   What I don't like about this site:   When you search for pet-friendly housing, it populates a list that includes housing that is clearly not pet-friendly There's no ...

License Portability

One of the major barriers we experience as travel social workers is licensure.  Every state has its own requirements on what's required to represent yourself as a social worker.  But, in addition to that, every hospital's accreditation may have licensure or certification requirements written into their guidelines.  I recently finished an assignment in a Level 1 Trauma Center Emergency Department.  This ED was in a huge teaching hospital where the social work case managers were not required to be licensed, UNLESS they were working Oncology, Transplant or in the ED.  Inpatient social work case managers were allowed to have their master's degree with no additional certification or license.  When I booked the job, I was offered a few positions in the hospital, but I was most interested in the ED.  I love the pace, I love the schedule, I love what can be accomplished. My barrier, however, was that I needed my clinical license to be approved and there w...

Explaining Your Tax-Free Stipend

This is a confusing topic for many in the travel world, period.  Not just social work, but travel nursing, PT, OT, SLP, Rad Techs, anyone, really.  The confusion, I've noticed starts when people hear about GSA rates... and then they look them up.   The GSA is the US General Services Administration.  They're responsible for setting the daily maximum reimbursement rate for lodging and meals & incidentals for the Continental United States (CONUS), whereas the Department of Defense sets the maximum reimbursement rate for Hawai'i and Alaska.  The key here is that they're setting the MAXIMUM allowable reimbursement rate, not the minimum and not the required.  They're saying that for this area of the US, at this time of year (they break down the daily rate and adjust monthly), that you can receive UP to this amount per day. The tricky part is that unfortunately, not every contract is going to even get near these rates in what they offer you in t...

Multiple Recruiters? Multiple Agencies? Is It Okay?

A common question I've been getting lately is whether or not it's okay to work with more than one recruiter to maximize your opportunity, especially if you're new to getting in to travel social work.  Honestly, there's no right or wrong. Recruiters I've spoken to actually expect that when you're getting into the game, you're likely going to be working with more than one agency; however, they do kinda operate with a code of conduct within the same agency - the no poaching unwritten code.  A few years ago, a recruiter from my current agency reached out to me about a job (I don't honestly remember applying to them, but must have).  I responded to the email about being available for work shortly, as I was coming to the end of a long assignment and it was definitely during a time of the year known for its lulls in placement.  A few days later, my current recruiter emailed me and explained that they understood that Recruiter X had reached out to me, but the...